Welcome to the website for the Vocation Office of the Diocese of Buffalo.

When looking at the future, there are many paths a person can choose. Sometimes individuals feel called to the priesthood, religious life, or other service within the Church, but may not know how to get more information. 

This is the purpose of our website. Please read Fr. Dave's message to you at the Director's Update page, which will give you more information and provide you with additional resources to help you discover God's plan.

• Happy Easter!  Resurrexit Sicut Dixit!  This is the eternal victory which Christ has won!  Want to be on the winning team?  Become a priest for the Diocese of Buffalo!  See the video below for "reasons for our hope" (1 Pt 3:15)


• "Response Group" - Discernment conversation for men college-aged and beyond.
New meeting dates added!  Click HERE for list of dates.
• Studies show that many priests were Eagle Scouts in their youth.  If you enjoy Scouting and have earned your religious emblems, think about the possibility of priesthood!
Alleluia, resurrexit sicut dixit!  Christ is risen from the dead, and has shared His victory with us.  This has changed everything, it's a major deal -- big enough to devote your entire life to... [click for more]
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